I intend to look into learning a bit more with Java Scripting along with unity to gain a better understanding.
Learning the basics of Java, this script involves clicking a button which is part of the interface and the colour of the box would change. Although the script also makes repeating this step would change the box colour to white, however it doesn't seem to work as i hoped and intend to seek for some guidance during this weeks studio.
A Documentary on the making of the game "The Last of Us" which talks a bit about Interfaces i found quite interesting
(1:24:23) - It should automatically divert you there
As a general sort of research i was thinking a few rules that we may take account on when designing our interface
*Law of preferred action - User will be comfortable when they understand preferred action
*User expects to see interface controls close to the object he wants to control
*User will rarely change default settings
*User will likely do something that is suggested
*User feels confident if you provide clear and constant feedback
*User will be more inclined to perform a complex action if its broken down
Last checked: 25/03/2014
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