Intellectual property - Motorcycle configuration
Alyssa & Vedran
As a whole they covered the topics quite well, one of the difficulties when doing something which is so large is putting and communicating it into a presentation, and i think they kind of suffered in this part. the slides were really dense in information so making it difficult to read as well it being from a distance.
I think one point they seemed to cover quite subtly is how serious the nature is with how IP relates and revolves around our work so much, but there is quite a complexity around this subject that is specifics with what type of protection and rights do you have over work you do.
Intellectual property - Gothic Architecture
Dorothy, Maki, Stefan, Alan, David and Ricky
Overall i think as a group we did well as a presentation, the video covered the topics quite well and was light hearted which gained attention also the contrast between the seriousness and fun between topic and video worked really well.
From creating this presentation, there has been quite a lot of discussion over how we should approach this presentation which took over several weeks of planning, one thing that caught my mind was how little issues of ip and protection is looked at in a small business, most of these conflicts usually happen in a large scale, where chances are they wont persue you, but it is always better to have that umbrella.
Alyssa & Vedran
As a whole they covered the topics quite well, one of the difficulties when doing something which is so large is putting and communicating it into a presentation, and i think they kind of suffered in this part. the slides were really dense in information so making it difficult to read as well it being from a distance.
I think one point they seemed to cover quite subtly is how serious the nature is with how IP relates and revolves around our work so much, but there is quite a complexity around this subject that is specifics with what type of protection and rights do you have over work you do.
Intellectual property - Gothic Architecture
Dorothy, Maki, Stefan, Alan, David and Ricky
Overall i think as a group we did well as a presentation, the video covered the topics quite well and was light hearted which gained attention also the contrast between the seriousness and fun between topic and video worked really well.
From creating this presentation, there has been quite a lot of discussion over how we should approach this presentation which took over several weeks of planning, one thing that caught my mind was how little issues of ip and protection is looked at in a small business, most of these conflicts usually happen in a large scale, where chances are they wont persue you, but it is always better to have that umbrella.
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