Tuesday, 10 June 2014

This week i discussed with Stephen on advice in getting data from multiple Tables with the single primary key, the issue here is that the primary key only identifies a particular row and is unique, so contacting another table could cause issues. With some tedious work i managed to collect data from multiple tables with the help of Stephen of course as knowing how sql or database works is something brand new to me. 

Another thing John asked for was a campaign slider which you could slide and it would display a period in which it was built. I originally contacted Stephen on how it should be done where he explained having multiple arrays and two sliders showing campaigns between two periods which is similar to the script David had worked on with a slider filter. Though with the time constraint it was difficult to understand how the script fully worked! I worked on my own solution on created a slider which only goes up by intergers rather than float which meant its segmented. from then on it would check if the current value is what and display the correct campaign, the issue here now is that it will keep updating because the current value is still true. I then worked on adding a way around it which tells it to stop loading if the current value is the same as the previous value.
Another issue was the current value is reset once the campaign is loaded, but with some slight help from Maki we change it so it hid the campaigns rather than loading a new level!


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