It took us a while to find but, ended up finding the File Maker software which is used for the Database and could only be opened with that software.
I am still trying to go through the database trying to get an understanding of it, but plan on discussing the database and how it will all work with stephen this week as we could not open it last week.
In light not having no much progress with Database work i continued with learning C# this week, which took a bit of time to get use to from previously knowing Java.
Also i have been looking at a few possible interface ideas which i briefly sketched up.
This sketch briefly explains having a search bar that is constantly accessible while the user wanders around and having the search results appear on the side when a search initiated. Also in addition to that, there could be another possibility that another side bar to pop up on the side so you could compared information, but that is still dependent on the database and what it shows.
Also i felt a small plan in relation to where you are would be helpful in navigating around the church, additional information along with the map could display the church's name, location and compass as it is all information that is related could be grouped. I plan on showing these ideas to the group and having their feedback as well as their proposed ideas.
Upon looking into the database, we(David and I) tried to decipher it. We tried to sort the information based on the building, campaign and etc, the reason for this is because we were given the database in a file format made in FileMaker(software for databases that john and his team uses), it proved to have issues in terms of formatting the information and exporting it into a more easily readable file (xml) seemed a bit inconsistent(we compared the exported database to filemaker data exported).
The process that followed was working with Stefan into creating a object naming method which allowed the object to be linked with the database when in unity. The end result was:
e.g. CERSE_2a_BAS
The difficulty is communicating a method that is easily understandable when trying to communicate a method of naming large quantities of objects.
What is odd is having to link the 'campaign'(period in time) to other churches but, i couldnt seem to find a 'campaign id' which could create this linkage.
This is in its most basic form of naming. It should also be noted that we have no previous of linking database and creating an 'external' and 'internal' database varies in difficulties(this project being done in external). So the naming is subject to change, at this point we discussed with Stephen about creating a external database server which is part of the requirement in gathering data is beyond our skillset so he offered into helping us set up the external database.
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