Tuesday, 10 June 2014

This week, i successfully got a response from the database with the data i needed from a single table. This can collect information from all the data that is related to the Primary key that is associated, but the data that is collected is only done though everything in that 'row' in the currently table specifically. At this point the response is only collected from a single table, in this case coga_buildingelements. there are also other tables that it does not currently collect from such as coga_(courses, affiliatoins, campaigns, departments, label_action).

Also this week i looked at redesigning and trying a new way of navigating when using the game. previously what Maki had done was have a crosshair in the middle of the screen and you would move your screen and have the cross hair aimed at something to select objects in the scene. I felt that it was a bit uncomfortable to use, almost like moving your head to select something, so what i implemented what the ability to only moving the screen when you hold down right click, and then you use your mouse cursor to select objects rather than the cross hair previously.


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