Monday, 9 June 2014

Aerial rope way - Shaun, Paul, Rochelle, Eugelyn, Elah & Reina
The topic covered was quite detailed, but the slides itself seemed a bit heavy on content and may have been a bit distractive. I think they could have went over a bit on their experiences as a group itself.
From personal experience with my group i think decisions over tasks over what each member does causes the most conflicts, more so if one member isnt producing particularly quality work, one way i personally deal with it is try and help them do a few things to rework it and let them continue on and doing it better which may go into 'difference goals and experiences' conflict types.

 Ben, Daming & Molly
The presentation felt more like reading a book to me than it was trying to present something to me. The slides did have a readable amount of content which doesnt draw away from the presenter but i felt it could have been planned better. It seemed i grasped more information from the slides than the presentation itself, although they summed the topic much better than the previous group.

1 comment:

  1. you have an interesting blog. thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading your posts


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