Aerial rope way - Shaun, Paul, Rochelle, Eugelyn, Elah & Reina
The topic covered was quite detailed, but the slides itself seemed a bit heavy on content and may have been a bit distractive. I think they could have went over a bit on their experiences as a group itself.
From personal experience with my group i think decisions over tasks over what each member does causes the most conflicts, more so if one member isnt producing particularly quality work, one way i personally deal with it is try and help them do a few things to rework it and let them continue on and doing it better which may go into 'difference goals and experiences' conflict types.
Ben, Daming & Molly
The presentation felt more like reading a book to me than it was trying to present something to me. The slides did have a readable amount of content which doesnt draw away from the presenter but i felt it could have been planned better. It seemed i grasped more information from the slides than the presentation itself, although they summed the topic much better than the previous group.
The topic covered was quite detailed, but the slides itself seemed a bit heavy on content and may have been a bit distractive. I think they could have went over a bit on their experiences as a group itself.
From personal experience with my group i think decisions over tasks over what each member does causes the most conflicts, more so if one member isnt producing particularly quality work, one way i personally deal with it is try and help them do a few things to rework it and let them continue on and doing it better which may go into 'difference goals and experiences' conflict types.
Ben, Daming & Molly
The presentation felt more like reading a book to me than it was trying to present something to me. The slides did have a readable amount of content which doesnt draw away from the presenter but i felt it could have been planned better. It seemed i grasped more information from the slides than the presentation itself, although they summed the topic much better than the previous group.
you have an interesting blog. thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading your posts