Tuesday, 13 May 2014

This week, i re-did the sidebar and integrated button features on it that allow the screen to be re sized be proportionate to any size, this is also done with the buttons so that they remain next to each other.

I addition to this, the sidebar would also only pop up when an object with the correct id is selected and can also be turned off/on by pressing Tab.
To explain a bit more about the 'correct id'. previously the pop up feature meant that the script had to be applied to all objects, this proved to be very tedious and inefficient. What ive recreated is the sidebar would only pop up if a response from the database is correct.

A small note also, i redesigned the navigational feature we previously had with the cross hair that Maki created/. the issue with that was, you could not select the buttons on the side bar without moving your screen which meant that it was a flaw and felt clunky and it is not part of our user experience that we are trying to achieve. What ive done is redone the script so that the screen would only 'move' if the right mouse button is held down, so you now have the ability to navigate both ways.

Sucessfully getting a response from the server now, i am getting the data sorted inside the side bar, with formatting which would take to sort out as well as filtering this data which would be my next few steps.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Following the review from John and the Tutors during week 8 there has been some discussion from where we are headed. Our plan now is to create a link between the database and object in its most basic form, currently we are still having difficulties with this. I am able to connect to the database and create a link to the id provided, but there seems to be an error when collecting information from

Highlighted in blue is what i mentioned before with the issue when getting a response from the database.

Due to the halt with this issue, i have been working on creating possible level changes which allow you to see sections and also the campaign periods real time and dynamically. although one of the issues when working with this is having the ability to link back to the database if the object was cut. the reason for this issue is the time needed to reassign all the objects its correct id(in order to section the building, everything is exploded so everything could be cut, therefor the id is lost).

Image illustrates the issue when subtracting multiple objects and having to reassign all of them an individual id. This is also taking into account when passing on the work to others and the difficulty required when they reproduce the same qualities but different churches.

From this period on, i have been trying to make an addition to the script which saves the players position when the churches element changes. Until we find a solution to getting a data response from the database.

Intellectual property - Motorcycle configuration
Alyssa & Vedran
As a whole they covered the topics quite well, one of the difficulties when doing something which is so large is putting and communicating it into a presentation, and i think they kind of suffered in this part. the slides were really dense in information so making it difficult to read as well it being from a distance.
I think one point they seemed to cover quite subtly is how serious the nature is with how IP relates and revolves around our work so much, but there is quite a complexity around this subject that is specifics with what type of protection and rights do you have over work you do.

Intellectual property - Gothic Architecture
Dorothy, Maki, Stefan, Alan, David and Ricky

Overall i think as a group we did well as a presentation, the video covered the topics quite well and was light hearted which gained attention also the contrast between the seriousness and fun between topic and video worked really well.
From creating this presentation, there has been quite a lot of discussion over how we should approach this presentation which took over several weeks of planning, one thing that caught my mind was how little issues of ip and protection is looked at in a small business, most of these conflicts usually happen in a large scale, where chances are they wont persue you, but it is always better to have that umbrella.

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