Tuesday, 10 June 2014

After johns feedback he was looking for a possibility of another church, at the current time there is some difficulty trying to add another database in to extend the current one. the easiest and worst possible way which are doing currently is adding them in manually row by row as well as having some team members adding in the id to the objects and renaming them in unity

This week i discussed with Stephen on advice in getting data from multiple Tables with the single primary key, the issue here is that the primary key only identifies a particular row and is unique, so contacting another table could cause issues. With some tedious work i managed to collect data from multiple tables with the help of Stephen of course as knowing how sql or database works is something brand new to me. 

Another thing John asked for was a campaign slider which you could slide and it would display a period in which it was built. I originally contacted Stephen on how it should be done where he explained having multiple arrays and two sliders showing campaigns between two periods which is similar to the script David had worked on with a slider filter. Though with the time constraint it was difficult to understand how the script fully worked! I worked on my own solution on created a slider which only goes up by intergers rather than float which meant its segmented. from then on it would check if the current value is what and display the correct campaign, the issue here now is that it will keep updating because the current value is still true. I then worked on adding a way around it which tells it to stop loading if the current value is the same as the previous value.
Another issue was the current value is reset once the campaign is loaded, but with some slight help from Maki we change it so it hid the campaigns rather than loading a new level!

This week i could not attend this studio session due to a funeral i had to attend, this was planned 2 weeks prior and i had to go overseas for a few days which caused a clash with this studio. This was also the week that John had come in for our second review and i had not know until a week prior so i could not change the times at all. I had completed as much work as i could for the small presentation to John and had passed the work to my team members with an explanation of how it was set up and how it worked.
I can not put up the death certificate here as it is a public domain, but if you would like proof please contact me on wikinexus@gmail.com

This week, i successfully got a response from the database with the data i needed from a single table. This can collect information from all the data that is related to the Primary key that is associated, but the data that is collected is only done though everything in that 'row' in the currently table specifically. At this point the response is only collected from a single table, in this case coga_buildingelements. there are also other tables that it does not currently collect from such as coga_(courses, affiliatoins, campaigns, departments, label_action).

Also this week i looked at redesigning and trying a new way of navigating when using the game. previously what Maki had done was have a crosshair in the middle of the screen and you would move your screen and have the cross hair aimed at something to select objects in the scene. I felt that it was a bit uncomfortable to use, almost like moving your head to select something, so what i implemented what the ability to only moving the screen when you hold down right click, and then you use your mouse cursor to select objects rather than the cross hair previously.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Aerial rope way - Shaun, Paul, Rochelle, Eugelyn, Elah & Reina
The topic covered was quite detailed, but the slides itself seemed a bit heavy on content and may have been a bit distractive. I think they could have went over a bit on their experiences as a group itself.
From personal experience with my group i think decisions over tasks over what each member does causes the most conflicts, more so if one member isnt producing particularly quality work, one way i personally deal with it is try and help them do a few things to rework it and let them continue on and doing it better which may go into 'difference goals and experiences' conflict types.

 Ben, Daming & Molly
The presentation felt more like reading a book to me than it was trying to present something to me. The slides did have a readable amount of content which doesnt draw away from the presenter but i felt it could have been planned better. It seemed i grasped more information from the slides than the presentation itself, although they summed the topic much better than the previous group.

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