Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Part of one of the requirements addressed was a video tutorial to allow other users in creating a model themselves and having them import into unity, this also includes setting up the files so they are automatically updated.
At this moment the tutorial is subject to change due to how we keep going back to change things.

Another script I developed is, a pop up script when clicking an object a pop up window appears with information. The window size can be changed to any size

When clicking an object a window pops up.

When clicking "back to main menu" it takes you to to the start menu 

Monday, 28 April 2014


The Creation of Gothic architecture
Anthony, Lorrain, Lauren, Ben, Theodore, Baz

I honestly am not a fan of Prezi presentations, seems too clunky in my opinion, I think they could have summarized the information a bit better as a wall of text is difficult to grasp. It was interesting in their video to highlight the different forms of communication available to terms of easy access, of course there are weaknesses in each of them, these forms of communications. I think they could go over a bit more on just verbal and technological communication such as expressing ideas by drawings and such.

The Last Suprematist
Marina & Anthony

I think think group of two done a really good job as a two person group, In comparison to the previous group there really is a different dynamic between this group and the previous. because this group is working in a smaller scale it reminds me of how in our group, we work in smaller teams in a group of 6, where we sometimes split into smaller groups which allows people to aid each other if one is stuck. Unlike working by yourself where you may find aid difficult.

The Bus Stop of the Future
Martha, Anthony, Daniel, Darren, Kerre

Its great that this highlighted the forms of communications and highlighted the strengths and weaknesses and how some may be more effective than others. One form is verbal versus written, where written communication there is always an ability to refer to it as well as passing through the same information to everywhere. unlike verbal it kind of works like chinese whispers and may prove difficult when not every member is there to acknowledge it. A point in the presentation that always brings to my mind is Daniel speaking about having not everyone attend meeting with the client because they may be busy and such. It can sometimes be difficult for one person to relay a message and like i said before, it may always be interpreted in a different way, so it would be good to have some others to attend meetings so it is not left for one person to relay all the information.
One thing that comes to my mind is not being dependent on having one person relay messages but rather its better to have multiple people in communication to get a more accurate and different interpretations of the same message.


Aerial Rope way in a world Heritage Environment 
Daisy, Iqra,Yen, Maria, Matt, Bethany

Being the first group to do the presentation and also first topic, i think they did quite well, setting a pretty high benchmark for the rest of us. It is interesting to point out their mention of a constant renewal of Planning, after all, tasks never always finish on time. I write this during week 6 and read upon the notes and remember in relation to our group that it is important just to set a deadline even if it may not be completed as a way of pushing yourself to get things done, its more a psychological thing i guess. The on going process of planning is quite effective in that it reminds me taking little steps to reaching the final goal and also adapting to peoples availability and problem solving that comes a long the way, but like anything creating a timeline is always good, especially in a group aspect so everyone could relate to it and adjust it to their personal timeline, it is a good way to communicate as a group and not only that, there is a visual sense of time that is available rather than sorting things out by weeks which i generally do personally.

Bus stop of the future
Jason, Michael, George, Violet
Overall as a presentation i would say quality wise, it seemed clunky when scrolling through a webpage and quite disorganized information was laid out. But the information provided was quite satisfactory. The style of planning compares to that of Aerial rope way was quite different in the sense of planning. There is a different objective in their planning which is sort of like getting a building built. So such things as delivery of materials that gets cut to size, queue for the availability of machines and duration it takes to cut, assembly and delivery and so on. The fact is, There are things we need to take account no matter what it involves, the further you take into the account of tasks, the smoother it may run. ultimately though there are things that never go to plan, the only way to minimize is allowing a gap for error.
What seems common that ive noticed in this presentation is how when certain things slow down or halt, it is likely that it effects the system as a whole. With our group, our production is kind of like a system where the database and the model work together at the same time the interface gui also relates to the model as well as the database. And like a traffic jam or computer when one thing stops moving it passes along.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

This week we got more updated files from the ones we received previously from russell, it includes the database file and the completed Cerseuil model.
It took us a while to find but, ended up finding the File Maker software which is used for the Database and could only be opened with that software.
I am still trying to go through the database trying to get an understanding of it, but plan on discussing the database and how it will all work with stephen this week as we could not open it last week.

In light not having no much progress with Database work i continued with learning C# this week, which took a bit of time to get use to from previously knowing Java.

Also i have been looking at a few possible interface ideas which i briefly sketched up.

This sketch briefly explains having a search bar that is constantly accessible while the user wanders around and having the search results appear on the side when a search initiated. Also in addition to that, there could be another possibility that another side bar to pop up on the side so you could compared information, but that is still dependent on the database  and what it shows.
Also i felt a small plan in relation to where you are would be helpful in navigating around the church, additional information along with the map could display the church's name, location and compass as it is all information that is related could be grouped. I plan on showing these ideas to the group and having their feedback as well as their proposed ideas.

Upon looking into the database, we(David and I) tried to decipher it. We tried to sort the information based on the building, campaign and etc, the reason for this is because we were given the database in a file format made in FileMaker(software for databases that john and his team uses), it proved to have issues in terms of formatting the information and exporting it into a more easily readable file (xml) seemed a bit inconsistent(we compared the exported database to filemaker data exported). 
The process that followed was working with Stefan into creating a object naming method which allowed the object to be linked with the database when in unity. The end result was:



e.g. CERSE_2a_BAS


The difficulty is communicating a method that is easily understandable when trying to communicate a method of naming large quantities of objects.
What is odd is having to link the 'campaign'(period in time) to other churches but, i couldnt seem to find a 'campaign id' which could create this linkage.

This is in its most basic form of naming. It should also be noted that we have no previous of linking database and creating an 'external' and 'internal' database varies in difficulties(this project being done in external). So the naming is subject to change, at this point we discussed with Stephen about creating a external database server which is part of the requirement in gathering data is beyond our skillset so he offered into helping us set up the external database.

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