Daisy, Iqra,Yen, Maria, Matt, Bethany
Being the first group to do the presentation and also first topic, i think they did quite well, setting a pretty high benchmark for the rest of us. It is interesting to point out their mention of a constant renewal of Planning, after all, tasks never always finish on time. I write this during week 6 and read upon the notes and remember in relation to our group that it is important just to set a deadline even if it may not be completed as a way of pushing yourself to get things done, its more a psychological thing i guess. The on going process of planning is quite effective in that it reminds me taking little steps to reaching the final goal and also adapting to peoples availability and problem solving that comes a long the way, but like anything creating a timeline is always good, especially in a group aspect so everyone could relate to it and adjust it to their personal timeline, it is a good way to communicate as a group and not only that, there is a visual sense of time that is available rather than sorting things out by weeks which i generally do personally.
Bus stop of the future
Jason, Michael, George, Violet
Overall as a presentation i would say quality wise, it seemed clunky when scrolling through a webpage and quite disorganized information was laid out. But the information provided was quite satisfactory. The style of planning compares to that of Aerial rope way was quite different in the sense of planning. There is a different objective in their planning which is sort of like getting a building built. So such things as delivery of materials that gets cut to size, queue for the availability of machines and duration it takes to cut, assembly and delivery and so on. The fact is, There are things we need to take account no matter what it involves, the further you take into the account of tasks, the smoother it may run. ultimately though there are things that never go to plan, the only way to minimize is allowing a gap for error.
What seems common that ive noticed in this presentation is how when certain things slow down or halt, it is likely that it effects the system as a whole. With our group, our production is kind of like a system where the database and the model work together at the same time the interface gui also relates to the model as well as the database. And like a traffic jam or computer when one thing stops moving it passes along.
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